How To Install Icecast On Debian Jessie

6 min readOct 8, 2021


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I want to install R-base sid here in Debian. It would be great if some CRAN packages installed can be maintained in the SID version. It would be great if some CRAN packages installed can be maintained in the SID version. Apt-get install icecast2. It will ask you if you would like to configure Icecast. Strangely the values I entered did not change my configuration file at all, so you might just want to hit Enter repeatedly and modify the configuration file afterwards. Modify the configuration file.

The Debian 8 default repositories contain MySQL packages. You can simply install MySQL on Debian 8 Jessie machine with few simple commands. But the default repositories don’t contain the latest MySQL version. So this tutorial will help to install MySQL on Debian 8 Jessie system with the latest version. Go through the step by step tutorial for the MySQL installation.

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Step 1 — Prerequisites

Login to your Debian 8 system using shell access. For remote systems connect with SSH. The Windows desktop users can use Putty any other SSH client to connect their server.

Run below commands to upgrade the current packages to the latest version.

Step 2 — Setup MySQL PPA on Debian 8

Download the MySQL PPA configuration package from the official website of MySQL. The below commands will do the MySQL PPA setup on Debian 8 automatically.

With the installation of above package, this will prompt to select MySQL version to install on your system. Select the MySQL 5.7 or 5.6 to install on your system.

Step 3 — Install MySQL on Debian 8

You are ready now for the MySQL installation on a Debian 8 Jessie machine. Execute the following commands to install MySQL on a Debian 8 machine.

The installation process will prompt for the root password to set as default. Input a secure password and same to confirm password window. This will be MySQL root user password required to log in to MySQL server.

Step 4 — Secure MySQL Installation

Execute the below command on your system to make security changes on your Database server. This will prompt some questions. The do the high security provide all answers to yes.

Step 5 — Connect MySQL

Your system is ready with the MySQL database server. Simply connect to the MySQL using command line client. This will require the root password configured in step 3 to connect database server.

Active1 year, 6 months ago

I want to install a single package (and its dependencies, but only to the extent those are not satisfiable in Wheezy) from Debian Jessie onto my Wheezy system, without upgrading ‘everything and the kitchen sink’ to the Jessie versions. Specifically, I’d like to install kpcli, which is available packaged in Jessie but not in Wheezy.

Everything I’ve found indicates that I should add the Jessie repositories to my sources list, set pinning to keep everything at wheezy and only take the single package from jessie, and it’ll pretty much just fall into place. However, it isn’t falling into place for me. If I create /etc/apt.d/sources.list.d/jessie.list with the following content:

and then create /etc/apt/preferences.d/jessie with:

and run apt-get -u update followed by apt-get -u install kpcli/jessie, then I expect apt-get to pull in kpcli and maybe a small handful of other packages from Jessie, and leave the remainder of my installed system untouched. (My system is a fully up to date installation of Wheezy.) Alternatively, if I got the pin priority too low, I'd expect it to do nothing. Rather, on my system, apt-get wants to upgrade several hundred packages.

How To Install Icecast On Debian Jessie

What, exactly, is needed to install just this one single package of a Jessie version while leaving the remainder of my Wheezy system untouched?

Note that in this particular case, the software is actually written in Perl so there’s no compilation to binary or anything like that involved; however, there is a handful of Perl module dependencies. Hence, one possible alternative would be to install the .deb (downloaded manually) using something that only (1) allows specifying a single, local .deb archive that is to be installed, like dpkg -i, and (2) handles dependencies in an intelligent way, which plain dpkg -i doesn't. However, for all the searching I've done on several occasions and failed to come up with a simple-to-follow guide for how to do this, a generic solution (one that works for binary, compiled packages as well) would be great.


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3 Answers

For each entry (stable, testing, unstable) you have pin-priority 500. You shouldn’t use pin > 1000. I use 1001 only when I want to downgrade something. I have testing+sid+experimental entries specified in /etc/apt/sources.list and the following /etc/apt/preferences file:

The value 500 is default for unstable. So, let’s try to check iceweasel:

So, if I tried to install iceweasel, it would be downloaded from the testing branch because it has the highest priority.

Try to change the priorities to:

Mikhail MorfikovMikhail Morfikov

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There’s actually a way to do it without using pinning / priorities at all. Instead, you can specify what’s the default release you’ll install packages from, which will then be used unless otherwise specified by using the target release parameter. This works the same way if you only want to install selected packages from e.g. backports.

I’ll show this for installing packages from Stretch into Jessie, as those are the current stable / testing, but it works the same way for installing Jessie packages in Wheezy like it was originally asked.

First, add stretch as repository, e.g. in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/stretch.list:

Then, to set the default release, create a file like /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/default-release containing:

How To Install Icecast On Debian Jessie J

(In Wheezy, I think apt.conf.d didn't exist and you'd need to put that snippet in /etc/apt/apt.conf).

Then, installing a package from testing is as simple as aptitude -t stretch install kpcli without you needing to worry about pinning priorities.

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Note: @amc pointed out in the comments that if you use apt instead of aptitude, you have to use 'stable' as Default-Release instead of 'jessie'. Thank you! (Of course, you can use aptitude with that setting as well.)

Florian JacobFlorian Jacob

Pin: release a=wheezy should be Pin: release n=wheezy, maybe.

From the man page:

The following record assigns a high priority to all package versions belonging to any distribution whose Codename is ‘jessie’.

So that is correct!


How To Install Icecast On Debian Jessie James

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